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Weather Eye: Saturday’s touch of springiness put a bounce in all our steps

By Patrick Timm
Published: January 24, 2015, 4:00pm

Did you have just a wee bit of spring fever Saturday? If so, you were in great company, I’m sure. Boy what a day! And this is the latter half of January? I recorded a high of 62 degrees here in Salmon Creek with 60 degrees or better widespread across the area.

Records were set in many locations. How about 68 degrees in Eugene? Even in the Puget Sound area, readings of 60 or better were common. The air mass is so warm aloft, if this were July or August, we would be pushing 90 degrees.

There was some doubt we would see blue skies and sunshine Saturday, with an inversion in place, but we sure lucked out. We’ll see if we fare as well today, but sunny or not, it will still be mild.

It’s warm in the mountains with afternoon temperatures 50-65 degrees. Not good for our dwindling snow pack.

So, when will the rains and mountain snows return? Not for a while, I’m afraid. I see forecasts of a weak weather system in about midweek but nothing major. Another round of drips and drizzle with wet weather in the ski areas and then warm and dry.

Nature is turning over in its sleep sensing the spring-like weather. I can hear it, “Oh hum, what now? Did I sleep through winter? Is this April already?” Wintering hummingbirds are sensing humans’ outdoor activity. What’s up with that? Buds swell on the trees, not good for fruit with frost certain yet to come. Insects are on the groggy side but exploring the warm weak sunshine.

What on earth will the groundhog think in just eight days? Why, he may even emerge before Feb. 2. Maybe not the official one in Pennsylvania, winter has a strong hold on the East Coast.

Remember, we are still in the realms of winter, maybe just on a fugacious escapade.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://patricktimm.com.
