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What’s Up With That? Kane’s memorial needs public help to reach public view

Construction of site for statue will take community support

By Scott Hewitt, Columbian staff writer
Published: April 1, 2015, 12:00am

I’m the mother of sculptor Mark McLean. He put all that work into the black basalt statue of Kane the police dog and donated it to the Sheriff’s Office about two years ago. We’re both curious to know what happened to the statue. It’s not on display anywhere, is it?

— Arlene Larson

The Kane statue is still looking for a permanent display home, Mom. It’s projected that spring 2016 will see it done, and likely in the county courthouse courtyard, according to K-9 unit supervisor Mike McCabe, a commander with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

“The Kane statue that was donated by sculptor Mark (McLean) of Milwaukie (Ore.) is absolutely beautiful, and we are fortunate to have had such an amazing piece of art,” McCabe wrote in an email. “We have looked at multiple locations as possible future homes for the Kane statue.” Right now, the Kane statue is safely stored in the Sheriff’s Office warehouse, he said.

Some suggested places to station Kane:

• Out in the countryside, at the west precinct and public safety complex on Northeast 179th Street, next to the Clark County Fairgrounds.

• At the Clark County Jail after a future remodel.

• At a new Central Precinct building, should there ever be one. (Not anytime soon, we reported last summer.)

But most seem to agree that downtown Vancouver is where the public could enjoy and appreciate the Kane statue most, McCabe said. “We have identified a location within the courtyard between the Sheriff’s Office Headquarters and the Courthouse.”

There’s more to do than just find a location, though. McCabe said the grand plan is to create a whole K-9 memorial — which will have to be designed and approved by the sheriff, the county councilors and the county manager. It’ll have to be done with private contributions and donations, McCabe said, not public money.

“The community has always been very generous when it comes to honoring police service dogs. We are confident that we can have a memorial built for dedication by Spring 2016,” he said.

The Sheriff’s Office has a donation account in place. Just write “K-9 memorial” in the memo line of your check and send to Clark County Sheriff’s Office, P.O. Box 410, Vancouver, WA, 98666.

Kane was stabbed to death in 2011 by a suspect he was biting, who had been driving a stolen car — and who was sentenced to four years in prison.

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