LONG BEACH — Eight nights of razor clam digging begin Tuesday on the Long Beach Peninsula, the first of two planned openings in November.
“With daylight saving time ending Sunday, diggers will have even less light to dig by and should bring lanterns or headlamps,” said Dan Ayres, coastal shellfish manager for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Digging days and low tides are: Tuesday; 4:26 p.m., -0.1 feet; Wednesday; 5:14 p.m., -0.7 feet; Thursday; 5:59 p.m., -1.1 feet; Friday; 6:42 p.m., -1.2 feet; Nov. 8; 7:24 p.m., -1.1 feet; Nov. 9, 8:05 p.m., -0.7 feet; Nov. 10, 8:47 p.m., -0.3 feet; Nov. 11, 9:31 p.m., 0.2 feet,.
Long Beach and Twin Harbors are open all eight days. Mocrocks will be open Nov. 7 through 9, while Copalis will be open Nov. 8.