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State officials warn of Ebola-related scams

The Columbian
Published: October 25, 2014, 12:00am

OLYMPIA — Secretary of State Kim Wyman and Attorney General Bob Ferguson warned citizens to be careful of scam artists who could play on a fear of Ebola.

Con artists often use natural disasters and health scares to convince people to give to charities, according to the two officials.

“When there is a natural disaster or health-care emergency, scam artists unfortunately try to take advantage of people’s compassion or fear,” Wyman said. “In regards to Ebola, scammers might try to lure consumers into giving money for a cure for Ebola. We hope people think carefully when they come across Ebola-related charities.”

Officials urge consumers to be suspicious of those asking for immediate donations. Don’t give cash and write a check directly to a charity. Consider giving to give.org, run by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. Also be wary of sympathetic-sounding names or charities that sounds similar to other legitimate nonprofits. Never give your credit card information out over the phone.
