Initiative 1351, which would mandate smaller class sizes in public schools across the state, is the wrong idea at the wrong time and should be rejected by voters.
The idea sounds appealing; who wouldn’t advocate for smaller class sizes? But weighed against the difficult budget task already facing the Legislature and against valid questions regarding whether smaller classes enhance learning, the arguments in favor of the initiative prove to be paper thin. Because of that, The Columbian urges a “no” vote from the electorate. As always, this is simply a recommendation. We have faith in the ability of voters to examine the issues and reach their own conclusions.
In examining I-1351 — which is backed by the Washington Education Association, the state’s largest teachers union — voters will find a proposal that will cost the state $4.7 billion through 2019, according to an estimate from the Office of Financial Management. In addition, the financial impact statement for the initiative states that local school district expenditures would increase by $6 billion over five years to account for costs not covered by the state. In spite of that, the measure does not provide a funding source.
I-1351’s class-size limitations would force most districts to hire additional teachers and office staff, and in many cases would require the construction of additional classrooms. As Mark Hottowe, the Battle Ground Public Schools Superintendent, explained to Columbian reporter Lauren Dake, “I think part of the issue is folks may understand the value of the concept, but not go to the second stage of thinking where you ask the question: ‘Where are we going to put the additional teachers?’ ” I-1351 also mandates vast increases in the minimum number of non-teaching positions such as school nurses, social workers and psychologists in the schools, accounting for a large chunk of the spending mandated by the proposal.