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GOP donation complaint under review

Bauer filed claim against Madore, Holland over Stewart campaign funds

By Tyler Graf
Published: November 20, 2014, 12:00am

Following a delay, the state Public Disclosure Commission is back to processing a complaint filed against Clark County Commissioner David Madore and developer Clyde Holland, which alleges the two illegally earmarked money contributed to the state Republican Party for commissioner candidate Jeanne Stewart’s campaign.

Former state Sen. Al Bauer filed the complaint in October after Stewart’s campaign received $89,000 in contributions from the state GOP. The complaint alleges that contributions Madore and Holland made to the state party, totaling $115,000, were earmarked for Stewart’s campaign in violation of finance laws.

Madore has denied earmarking the money. And Stewart has said that the $89,000 she received from the party — the highest dollar amount the Republicans spent on any local candidate during the election — came as a surprise.

The PDC delayed processing Bauer’s complaint until this week because the former state lawmaker failed to sign the oath at the bottom of the form. Bauer returned the form with the proper signature. The Public Disclosure Commission now expects to determine whether Bauer’s claims have merit.

Bauer and other Democrats have argued that the state parties show little financial interest in local races unless directed by contributors to do so.

Bauer’s claims will likely be difficult to prove, said disclosure commission spokeswoman Lori Anderson. Without proof that Madore and Holland directed the state Republicans to pass a portion of their money on to Stewart’s campaign, there isn’t a lot of evidence.

“You can’t go on just appearances,” Anderson said.

In his complaint, Bauer acknowledges there are no witnesses who can verify that Madore and Holland earmarked the money.

“I do not know of the direct discussions between Mr. Madore, Mr. Holland, and representatives of the state Republican Party,” Bauer wrote. “I suspect these gentlemen were careful and discreet about the intentions and expectations I suspect they share.”

Instead, Bauer has requested the disclosure commission conduct an investigation to uncover correspondence or phone records that might provide evidence.

Anderson said the commission may conduct a more in-depth investigation, but that could depend on whether it believes that Bauer’s claims have merit.
