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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: Be sure to bask in warmth, because weekend will be cool, wet

By Patrick Timm
Published: May 14, 2014, 5:00pm

Was it hot enough for you Wednesday? Afternoon temperatures were in the mid-80s, rising to 90 degrees at 4 p.m. Portland airport surpassed its record of 88 degrees. I’m sure there were more record highs around the region Wednesday.

Today it will be down to the warm category and Friday down a notch into the pleasant category of 70 degrees. More clouds will be with us, and rain showers will develop over the weekend.

The big question: Will rain hold off until after the annual Hazel Dell Parade of Bands on Saturday? Still too iffy to accurately predict the timing of any moisture. Wednesday afternoon forecast models have rain moving in early Saturday afternoon. Let’s hope it holds off. Regardless, any day is a great day for a parade in the Pacific Northwest — just factor in the umbrella and associated items.

So, after the cool and damp weekend, what’s on tap? High pressure is forecast to rebuild after the cold trough of low pressure, and by Tuesday or Wednesday, sunny and warm weather will appear. Not too bad of a May, is it?

Someone asked me the other day about the Memorial Day holiday. That is a ways out, but longer-range models hint at dry weather with thunderstorms over the Cascades.

Overall, the second half of the month is trending toward drier than average. I think this weekend will be the wettest period of the remaining days in May.

Dry and mild weather is forecast overall for June and July. Enjoy it! Plant the corn and tomatoes.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at patricktimm.com.
