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Weather Eye: It’s a good time to become reacquainted with seasonal safety

By Patrick Timm
Published: May 5, 2014, 5:00pm

There were some pretty good downpours Sunday and a few claps of thunder. They were scattered, with some areas not receiving much compared to others that were under the dark clouds.

Dark clouds lingered Monday, but showers were much lighter and of shorter duration. Plenty of sunbreaks were thrown in too. Overall, not a bad start to the workweek weather-wise. Today will have partial clearing with sunshine, but there still may be a fleeting rain shower mainly over the Cascades. We stay dry through Wednesday, and then some time Thursday rain returns with showers lasting into the weekend. More of those pesky April showers?

This week is Severe Weather Awareness Week, and the National Weather Service has vast resources for you to look over as we get into the summer season. What is the worry if it is summer? Flash floods, thunder and lightning and even small tornadoes can strike the Pacific Northwest during the summer months — mainly over and east of the Cascades, but it is always a good idea to review things. It is also the season of wildfires.

For information go to their website at http://weather.gov/portland and look at the notice near the top of the page — and click on it. Other severe-weather and safety information can be found on the following webpages: www.weather.gov/safety.php and http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/

Today’s topic discusses tornadoes and tornado safety. Wednesday is wind, hail and lightning safety, Thursday wildfires, and Friday and Saturday NWS Warning Program and NOAA Weather Radio.

I remember one summer camping on the Deschutes River north of Bend when heavy thunderstorms over the headwaters caused the river to suddenly rise. You wouldn’t think anything of it with clear sunny skies overhead. But drifting down on an air mattress made for quick recovery to shore. The event was miles away but presented a danger downstream. Lightning too can strike you out of a reasonable clear sky, miles from the thunder cloud.

Have fun this season and be safe!

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://patricktimm.com.
