How slow is spring chinook salmon fishing in the lower Columbia?
Well, the catch estimate for last week is 90 spring chinook for 6,500 angler trips — a chinook per 72 rods.
The catch estimate is 69 spring chinook kept and 21 released, along with 43 steelhead kept and 69 released. An estimated 67 percent of the kept chinook were lower Columbia origin.
For the month of March, the estimates are 13,716 trips with 109 chinook kept and 44 released. The sport allocation prior to the mid-May forecast update is 10,157 upriver fish kept plus release mortalities, so there are quite a few left to catch.
The Bonneville Dam count through Tuesday is 127.
The Columbia is still higher than normal and dirty. The water clarity in the Willamette River has improved to where it is better than in the Columbia.