On Sunday evening, Portland Police officers responded to a residence on Northwest Naito Parkway in Portland on a report that the family’s 22-pound house cat attacked a baby inside the residence and that the family was penned inside a bedroom to keep away from the charging feline.
Emergency operators confirmed that the child did not need medical attention before sending officers to contain the cat. The 911 operator stayed on the phone with the caller to ensure the family, including the dog, remained safe in the bedroom as the cat screeched in the background.
As officers rushed out the door of Central Precinct, one of them retrieved a dog snare to use as a possible tool to take custody of the cat.
Officers arrived and cautiously opened the door to the residence, where they saw the black and white Himalayan dart into the kitchen, attempting to flee custody. Officers were able to outwit the high-strung Himalayan, who climbed on to the top of the refrigerator, and get a snare around the cat and safely get the cat behind bars in its crate.