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Weather Eye: Enjoy all of the beautiful summer weather ahead of us

By Patrick Timm
Published: June 21, 2014, 5:00pm

Our pleasant June weather continued as summer rolled in on Saturday and was greeted with plenty of afternoon sunshine. A weak weather system moved through the last hours of spring but gave way to the burst of summer.

As we wander through the last week of the month we will continue the familiar pattern of sun, clouds and a chance of showers and highs near seasonal averages mostly in the 70s. The exceptions will be today and Monday, days for which the forecast high was 80 degrees or so.

Through Saturday, for the month of June we have had only one 80-degree day — Thursday — officially for Vancouver. We may end with three 80-degree days this month and no 90-degree weather like we had in May.

No complaints, however, from anyone. Rainfall totaled 1.01 inches, about four-tenths of an inch below average. I don’t expect much rain this week, but there may some showers around. There could be a possible thunderstorm, but we will see about that.

And from experience we know upper lows off the coast can provide some surprises. We’ll see if late in the week anything develops and brings us a frog strangler or two.

We are seeing the longest hours of daylight this weekend, and then we slowly begin to lose it — very slowly at first. Let’s not talk about that quite yet; there is plenty of nice summer weather ahead of us, so enjoy as best you can.

Another small tidbit for you is that we have had eight clear days, eight partly cloudy days and five cloudy days this month. June is usually a cloudy month and not a hot one either, so an absence of hot weather in the 90s is not all that uncommon.

Fourth of July at this point looks warm and muggy — not hot, but with lots of humidity and maybe moisture before and right after. That is a ways out, so there is plenty of time to digest and take another peek.

Enjoy your day, and we will chat on Tuesday.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://patricktimm.com.
