I heard on the evening news Monday that 1.87 million people would be affected by the bitter cold wave gripping much of the nation before all is said and done. That is a lot of zeros in that statistic and plenty of zero degree weather to go with it.
The good news is that we escaped winter’s wrath this time around. As the week wears on, the really cold air will move off to the north and east. Still, it’s the coldest weather in many years across much of the nation.
When I look at the many cities with below-zero temperatures, I think of the coldest temperature I have recorded here, 2 degrees below zero on Dec. 31, 1979. We had a good shot of arctic air and nearly a foot of snow on the ground. Radiational cooling and dead calm winds overnight did the rest. But goodness, that was 34 years ago.
Our dry weather will change to wet through the weekend as a series of storms break down the persistent ridge of high pressure. Each storm will be wetter than the previous. Freezing levels will be high but the mountains above 5,000 to 6,000 feet should get some snow — maybe a couple of feet.