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WHS and CHS receive 10k in cash for schools program

By Danielle Frost
Published: February 24, 2014, 4:00pm
2 Photos
An enthusiastic group of WHS students accepted a $10,000 check in the Cash for Schools contest.
An enthusiastic group of WHS students accepted a $10,000 check in the Cash for Schools contest. Students, faculty and administrators will meet to decide how to spend the money. Photo Gallery

When Camas High School won $10,000 in a Cash for Schools contest, the students could have easily held onto the money.Instead, they decided to share some of it with Rosa Parks Elementary in Portland. The school is starting up an orchestra program, and was in need of funds. It also has one of the highest free- and reduced-price lunch rates in the area.

Cash for Schools is a contest sponsored by McLoughlin Jeep in partnership with KATU News. The contest asked schools to bring the most Facebook “Likes” to McLoughlin Jeep in a given week.

CHS was the first school to win, and the students were given the check by anchors Carl Click and Natali Marmion.

After leadership students learned more about Rosa Parks Elementary and its orchestra program, the Papermakers’ band, cheerleaders and leadership students popped in for a surprise lunchtime visit to deliver a $1,000 check. The young students were “mesmerized” by the event, according to CHS principal Steve Marshall.

“Their orchestra inspired our band, too,” he commented. “Their music program started in November and the young musicians were amazing – very poised, very serious and very proud of what they could do. Moreover, their students impressed all of us. They were very respectful, attentive and well-behaved. So, the experience created a mutual respect between the two schools.”

Associated Student Body President Savannah Tobey and Senior Class President Kathleen Brumfield enjoyed interacting with the students at Rosa Parks.

“It was so much fun,” Tobey said. “I think it benefitted us more than it benefitted them. I would love to do things like this all the time.”

Added Brumfield, “This was a completely positive and exciting environment.”

Leadership teacher Michelle Allen coordinated the visit.

“After having my students tell me that they wanted to ‘pay it forward’ and creating a plan with this (donation), it made me feel proud. I was like, ‘Look at these little leaders.’ I have to say that this group of kids are the hardest working students I have ever dealt with.”

WHS wins second week of contest

The Panthers were awarded $10,000 at a ceremony at WHS on Thursday, Feb. 13. Washougal was able to amass more than 1,600 participants to win the second of the four-week competition.

Lori Webb, WHS para educator, got the ball rolling for the contest in Washougal. “I have lived here all my life and know a lot of people in the community, alumni that are local or moved away, staff members, students and their families,” she said. “I got online and contacted everyone I know.”

In the first five hours the numbers soared to more than 500.

According to Greg Lund, sales manager, the money can be used for general needs, scholarships or school improvements.

“This is McLoughlin Jeep’s way of giving back,” Lund said. “Our ownership is very community minded and hopes this money can help fill some of the gaps that exist in school funding these days.”

A group of WHS students and school administrators will work together to determine a use for the funds, plus another $1,500 that was earned as a part of a recent toy drive.

“We will be good stewards of the money,” said WHS Principal, Aaron Hansen. “We want to put the money toward something the students and staff believe in. We want it to fit our school vision. This is an amazing opportunity for us and a great show of support from our community.”
