Understanding financial reports: Vancouver SCORE will present a workshop with a layman’s basic guide to business financial statements and how they can be used to plan/manage a small business, with several hands-on business ratios exercises, 9 a.m. to noon at the SCORE office, 4001 Main St., Room 120. Cost, $55. Limited to six attendees. * www.scorevancouver.org, 360-699-1079.Estate planning: Attorney Margaret Madison Phelan will present a seminar on how to avoid problems with estates, 10 a.m. to noon. Free. * Location, necessary reservations, 360-696-2069.
Volunteer management conference: A one-day series of workshops primarily for people new to working with volunteers, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Club Green Meadows, 7703 N.E. 72nd Ave., Vancouver. Cost is $65-$85; includes lunch and materials. *
www.nonprofitnetworkwa.org/nonprofit-programs/workshops-conferences/, 360-735-7110.Upcoming
Home foreclosure prevention: The Clark County Volunteer Lawyers Program hosts a free foreclosure prevention and information seminar from 6-7 p.m. March 4 at 1409 Franklin St., Suite 101, Vancouver. The foreclosure process and timelines are explained and homeowners are provided with information about accessing free legal services. * Jacky Sabin, program coordinator, 360-334-4007.Free webinar: Washington State Department of Revenue will host a free live webinar for new and small business owners 10 to 11 a.m. March 12. Participants will learn about Washington excise taxes, reporting classifications, deductions, sales tax collection and record-keeping requirements. Space is limited. * Register by Feb. 28 at www.dor.wa.gov/workshops; provide your name, company name, phone number and email address.