Sturgeon retention in the Bonneville pool of the Columbia River Gorge will reopen Monday and is scheduled to continue through March 9.
Washington and Oregon officials on Thursday approved the angling extension after 36 days of sturgeon retention in 2014 has resulted in a catch of only 181 fish, about one-third of the 550 to 600 allocated to the winter season.
Ron Roler, Columbia River policy coordinator for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, said windy weather in January and cold temperatures in February reduced fishing effort in Bonneville pool.
Catch-per-day has averaged five sturgeon in 2014.
Roler said if the catch-per-day improves to the multi-year average of 17.8 the season total would be about 430. If the catch rates were the 2011-2012 average of 26.5 per day, the winter total would be 550 sturgeon.