Amy Gould scored 20 points and Vanessa Brown 11 and the host Timberwolves limited the Eagles to two field goals.
HUDSON’S BAY — Jade McDonald 0, Sierra Jones 1, Ariel Rutherford 3, Erykah Weems 0, Kim Nguyan 2, Vanakau Topu 0, Emily Henderson 0, Kezia Grady 2, Brittany Doolittle 0, Maria Jackson 0, Sol Valenzuela 0. Totals 2 (3) 3-7 8.
HERITAGE — Deja Gomez-Lewis 2, Cassidy Morris 5, Anna Penttila 8, Amy Gould 20, Vanessa Brown 11, Jazmin Lopez-Placito 0, Brittaney Carroll 0, Lisi Thomas 2. Totals 16 (3) 13-34 48.
Hudson’s Bay 0 2 2 4— 8
Heritage 10 13 12 13—48
JV — Heritage 53-13. C — Heritage 30-21.