Evergreen Habitat for Humanity will dedicate its 30th Clark County home on Aug. 24.
The dedication will be at 2 p.m. at 7001 N.E. 98th Ave. — the new address of Doug West and his two children, 17-year-old Kody and 15-year-old Cheyenne.
West, a truck driver for Concrete Alternatives, and his children have been looking forward to a new home since their journey began two years ago, according to a news release from the nonprofit organization.
The West family home was made possible through funding support from three different groups:
o Churches in Partnership, made up of five Presbyterian churches — First Presbyterian, Columbia Presbyterian, St. John’s Presbyterian, Cascade Presbyterian and East Woods Presbyterian churches. (This is the partnership’s second home.)
o Four Methodist churches — First United Methodist, Salmon Creek Methodist, Ridgefield Community Methodist and Orchards United Methodist churches.