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Weather Eye: Easter Bunny may get a dry day

By Patrick Timm
Published: April 16, 2014, 5:00pm

Well, what can I say? The April showers mentioned here the other day are upon us. Maybe more like a steady rain today, but wet any way you look at it. Temperatures will be mild Friday through the weekend, and Easter Sunday at this point — and I put emphasis on “this point” — looks dry.

Confidence is not high in the extended computer models, so I will broad-brush the outlook as a cold trough of low pressure is forecast to linger close to or over us. That means showers and cool next week. Tuesday it looked like Saturday would be nice, but writing this column Wednesday afternoon, models have flipped-flopped, bringing a weak weather system near us. Most of the action remains to our north, but we could get clouds and a few showers by Friday night.

As the cold front passes by this evening, there may be a dusting of snow at the Cascades mountain passes and a few inches of nice snow in the higher ski areas.

Did you see the lunar eclipse the other night? It was a close call due to the incoming clouds, but they were just scattered and allowed the viewing to continue. The moon was bright and turned a bit toward that “blood moon.” The best viewing was after midnight during the peak of the eclipse.

The first half of the month is in the record books, and Vancouver is running warmer and drier than average. Rainfall was 0.79 of an inch, about three-quarters of an inch below normal. The average mean temperature was 53.2 degrees, 2.2 degrees above average. No 80-degree weather so far and none in sight. We managed a warm 74 degrees April 7. The coldest was 36 degrees on April 13.

Remember, the outlying areas can still get a frost for about another month or so. Beware if we get a cold air mass and clear skies at night. I think the greater Vancouver city limits are pretty much safe now from a killing frost.

Chat with you on hopefully a sunny Easter!

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://patricktimm.com.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://patricktimm.com.
