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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: There’s nothing complex about current weather

By Patrick Timm
Published: September 9, 2013, 5:00pm

I can sum up our weather this week with one word — fantastic! OK, I will chat with you on Thursday.

Just kidding, of course, but there’s not too much to really write home about this week weather-wise, unless you want to let folks know of some hot weather (at least for us) due today and Wednesday.

Enjoy this week, as some computer models indicate cloudy and wetter next week with a change occurring late in the weekend. But that is a ways out, and you know how those extended forecasts go; they seem to change daily.

The autumnal equinox officially takes place on Sept. 22, but as I mentioned earlier, we really switch from summer to autumn next week. The good news is when weather systems roll through we will still have some pleasant weather in between so not a washout.

I briefly mentioned here Sunday about the annual winter prediction meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorology Society. It will take place at OMSI at 10 a.m. Oct. 26, so mark your calendars for that big event. More details later, of course.

We are halfway through the Atlantic hurricane season, and boy, it has sure been quiet. As Tropical Storm Humberto approaches, experts still insist it will be an active season and that numerous tropical storms can develop through October. They expect the second half to be much more active. We will see.

Looking at the first eight days of this month for Vancouver I find the total rainfall at 1.49 inches, 1.24 inches above average. The average mean temperature is 68.2 degrees, 1.6 degrees above average. We had four days in the 80s and four days in the 70s.

We added another 80-degree day on Monday, and maybe we add a couple 90-degree days this week?

Enjoy summer!
