Email marketing: Don Richardson of digital Popcorn Marketing, will teach how to master email marketing techniques and get your audience to open, read and act, 1-2 p.m. at Total Wine and More, 4816 N.E. Thurston Way, Vancouver. Free.
Quarterly update: Vancouver’s Downtown Association open quarterly meeting, 7:30 to 9 a.m. at Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W. Sixth St., Vancouver. Free. Please RSVP to admin@vdausa.org; 360-258-1129.
Mobile Business After Hours: An opportunity for mobile or home-based businesses in the community to host and showcase their business for free from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at Battle Ground Gardner Center, 1700 S.W. Ninth Ave., Battle Ground. Prize awarded to business vehicle with the best and most distinguished logo or wrap, plus door prizes and raffle. Sponsored by the Battle Ground Chamber of Commerce. Reservations by Oct. 8: 360-687-1510 or email info@battlegroundchamber.org
Networking: A Small Business DIY Marketing Conference, Oct. 12-13, Ambridge Event Center, 1333 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland. Cost is $297; includes lunch both days, swag bag. Sponsored by DIY Marketing Center, Vancouver. Register: www.diymarketingcenter.com/conference, 360-882-1298.