Evergreen Public Schools is one of five Washington school districts, and the only one in Clark County, selected to pilot a career readiness program unveiled Monday by two state agencies.
Under the Career Readiness for a Working Washington program, the Evergreen district will receive $60,000 to hire a graduation coach at Heritage High School to help students stay on track for graduating and to coordinate student internships. Heritage students will have the opportunity to complete 90-hour business internships and to learn business professionalism and interviewing skills.
Career guidance specialists also will focus on helping Frontier and Covington middle schools students explore specific career paths and develop study skills to prepare for the transition to high school. Both middle schools feed into Heritage High School.
The sponsoring agencies are the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, which is contributing a $32,500 grant, and the Employment Security Department, with a $27,500 allocation, said Jeanne Bennett, executive director of the Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council. The program will begin in January.