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Weather Eye: Spring makes brisk, rainbow-filled entry

By Patrick Timm
Published: March 20, 2013, 5:00pm

Yes, spring rolled in early Wednesday, ushered in locally by those brisk 30 to 40 mph winds blowing from the west in the lowlands.

A Facebook friend posted Wednesday: “Here Comes Spring!” In small print, it had this disclaimer: “Except for Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, well pretty much everywhere except California and Florida!” It made me chuckle.

Spring around these parts certainly doesn’t go by the calendar. We all know that.

Today will see more scattered showers, maybe some hail or thunder and cool temperatures in the 40s, plus more snow in the mountains — winter-weather stuff.

I got to see several rainbows scattered around Wednesday. Did you see one? That’s the fun part in March and April. Along with those showers come the rainbows — always a delight to see. Sometimes, you can see a double or triple rainbow.

Remembering back when my children were young, on occasion on a showery and blustery March day like Wednesday, we would bounce out to the car and drive around chasing rainbows. Trying but not succeeding looking for that elusive pot of gold. Many times we found the “end” of the rainbow, but it just moved right along with us as we drove. The search was never-ending, so no treasure was found, but maybe an ice cream on the way back for good measure.

Rainfall amounts with Tuesday night’s storm were just as I figured: right around one inch here in the lowlands but much more in the higher, wetter locations, I’m sure.

It was very windy along the coast as well, with gusts between 55 and 75 mph. Strong winds with similar wind speeds were measured across Eastern Washington.

Where do we go from here?

I see the Seattle Weather Service Office was predicting a chance of wet snow Wednesday night in the Puget Sound Convergence Zone, mainly in northern King County, lucky them. Things start to dry out Friday, and if we are lucky as these leprechauns were earlier in the week, we may enjoy a fairly dry weekend. Again, stay tuned, as March has a way of changing every four hours. See you on Sunday!

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at Weather Systems.
