We hope to plant a yard with blooming plants all spring and into fall. Can you tell me what types of annuals and perennials would be good to plant to bloom that way, from spring through fall? I get early morning sun and a little shade in the afternoon so I need something that would do well in these conditions.
There are so many different plants you could use. However here are a few to consider that do well in our area. Perennials: Helleborus, Lily of the valley, Pulmonaria, viola, bleeding heart, Solomon’s Seal, Virginia bluebells, Tiarella, Heuchera, assorted hostas, Liriope, Ophiopogon, Ligularia nummularia Tricyrtis, African daisies and of course assorted rhododendrons, azaleas plus ferns. Be mindful of sun and shade requirements of each. Of course take notice of the wonderful selection of summer bulbs available to you.
Nearly anything you find in the “annual section” in garden shops would be good candidates, and with careful deadheading, watering, plus a bit of fertilizer, many should last all summer and into fall. When the nighttime air is warm bring out house plants to a shady location. They’ll thrive in warm summer days in dappled shade and usually look fantastic after their “summer vacation.” I usually bring out my angel-wing begonias, African violets. Orchids also like summer air. I hope this gives you some ideas.
I planted two lilacs two years ago in the spring. They did not bloom the first spring, which I expected, but they also did not bloom this past spring. They were small but are now growing very nicely. I really want the beautiful lilac blooms. I’ve fertilized but with no result, so what else can I do?