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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: Desert heat is headed this way for weekend, next week

By Patrick Timm
Published: June 26, 2013, 5:00pm

Are we ready for summer? Weather, that is. Like the old saying goes, “Some like it hot and some like it not.” I fall in the latter category, but regardless, hot weather is heading our way this weekend and next week.

Just how hot is still up in the air. I don’t think it will be record-setting heat, but 90 degrees or warmer is officially in the hot category for us. With all the remaining moisture in place when the thermometer goes up Friday and over the weekend, it could be a tad muggy.

This heat won’t be accompanied by dry east winds, so we will have to endure the gradual drying out of the atmosphere. Overnight lows will be very mild, either a one sheet or no sheet bed cover at night, unless you have air conditioning. Plan ahead and have the AC and fans in good working order.

The source of the warm weather — OK, hot weather — will be a large high pressure system over the Four Corners area bringing desert heat our way. It has been very hot down there, with Death Valley temperatures advertised to be between 125 to 130 degrees and around 120 degrees in Arizona.

Some computer forecast models Tuesday were showing highs locally well over 100 degrees — record-setting, to say the least. But I don’t buy that, and as of Wednesday afternoon they were backing off that scenario.

If you want relief from the heat, head to the ocean beaches where a onshore flow will temper things. But just inland it will warm up quickly. If east winds were to develop, the coast would get hot, as well.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://weathersystems.com.
