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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: Lazy summer Saturday gives way to more clouds, rain

By Patrick Timm
Published: June 22, 2013, 5:00pm

Did you like the lazy day Saturday weather? Kind of befitting for the second full day of summer. What do I say about the third, fourth, fifth and sixth days of summer?

Maybe I should save that for the end of my column? Oh, let’s get it out of the way and end on a happy note shall we? You probably already know the forecast: Cloudy with periods of rain or showers through Wednesday.

The heaviest rain amounts will be to our south with maybe an inch or two along the coast and in the Willamette Valley. We could easily see one half inch to one inch of rain for the period.

Good news this time around is that the flow of air will be from the south and highs will still be close to normal 70 degrees despite the streaming clouds and moisture. Maybe a little on the muggy side?

OK, the happy ending. Years ago while giving a weather presentation at Lakeshore Elementary School I ended a 20 minute weather presentation with a question and answer session. Kids always try to ‘stump’ the weatherman which does not occur often. Anyway, a little third grade boy asked me, “What is a sprite?” Thinking this was a trick question, I answered a soft drink. He said nope, a thunderstorm in space. Sure enough he had watched The Discovery Channel and after a few times around, the space shuttle witnessed lightning bolts from the top of thunderstorms bolting from the cloud into space. NASA named them sprites.

A little girl very timidly asked me if rain was water. I replied, “Yes it is, a natural source of water.” She went on to say, “Well, if rain waters the garden, why don’t they call watermelons, rain melons?” I struck out on both.
