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Weather Eye: A cool, showery welcome to summer still warmer than in 2011

By Patrick Timm
Published: June 17, 2013, 5:00pm

The weekend turned out pleasant and Monday’s weather wasn’t bad either. That upper-level low is still offshore and will head our way triggering scattered thundershowers, showers and perhaps some steady light rain. Unstable conditions and cooler conditions will persist through Thursday; nothing else new to add to the mix.

Our high temperature today will be below the average 72 degrees, but nothing extreme: My coolest recorded high for June 18 was 60 degrees in 1979, and my highest was 102 degrees in 1982.

From my June 19, 2011, column: “Seems like we just can’t squeeze out more than a day or two at a time with a little bit of sun.” We have done much better than that this June.

From the same day, via Dan Hein of Camas: “It’s the second half of June, 11:15 a.m., 54 degrees, raining and foggy! Time to build a fire in the insert to ward off the cold.” And so it goes from year to year. I don’t think we will need a fire in the wood stove this week, but it will be cooler.

Mount Saint Helens is showing plenty of rocky surface as the snow melts, but it has a good share of white for mid-June.

Local weather observer Phil Delany hiked up Silver Star the other day and reported the snow is almost gone up there.

Summer begins at 10:04 p.m. Thursday with the first full day Friday, in time for another brief warm-up and the weekend.

A reader asked what parts of the county are driest. Our banana belt runs west of Interstate 5, from downtown Vancouver through Ridgefield.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at Weather Systems.
