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Talking Points: Can’t get too much overtime

The Columbian
Published: June 13, 2013, 5:00pm


Watching Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals, we were once again reminded of just how awful soccer is in deciding a victor of a match.

In hockey playoffs, the game will go on and on and on until somebody wins.

In soccer, after a few minutes of overtime and officials realize no one will ever actually, you know, score, they stop the game and have a kicking contest to determine a win.

This might be fine for a regular-season match. But soccer does this for the World Cup. The World Cup!

The hockey game on Wednesday had scoring chances galore and plenty of near-misses. So much drama. The NHL gets it.

If the game continues, somebody, sometime, will score. A team will get tired and make a mistake. Or a player will summon up the energy to make one last great play to put the puck in the net.

And if none of that happens, the drama continues.

Does anyone else think it’s weird that soccer experts just want their game to end?

Well, maybe it’s not that weird. Maybe they are like most Americans. Soccer? Please let it be over.

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Perhaps the only bad thing about hockey going on until the bitter end is some DVRs just cannot handle it.

Deadspin posted a picture of someone’s recording that went out just six seconds before the game-ending goal.

The viewer extended the time allotted for the event, but not long enough for a three-overtime game.

That’s too bad, but it also begs the question: Why wasn’t the guy watching the game live? If he’s such a big fan of one of the teams, why would he need a DVR?


See the flagsticks at the U.S. Open? Actually, they are basketsticks. (Yeah, we know, that’s not a word.)

But there are no flags at Merion Golf Club, site of this year’s Open.

Instead, there are wicker baskets atop the sticks. Why? No one knows for sure. Just a Merion thing.

Regardless, don’t try using the baskets to figure out wind direction. Those things don’t move.

We also hope Tiger Woods hits one of the sticks, and his ball richochets into a hazard, a la The Masters.

Then we can call Tiger a basketcase.
