Understanding financial reports: Vancouver SCORE will present a workshop with a layman’s basic guide to business financial statements and how they can be used to plan/manage a small business, with several hands-on business ratios exercises, 9 a.m. to noon today at the SCORE office, 4001 Main St. Cost, $45., 360-699-1079.
Money management for women: Angela Dockum, financial adviser with Waddell & Reed, will discuss money management from a woman’s perspective, 6:30 p.m. at Waddell & Reed, 16219 S.E. 12th St., Suite 203. A light dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Register: or 360-694-1266, ext 131.
Costs of long-term care: Attorney Margaret Madison Phelan will present a seminar on what you need to know to protect your home and family from long-term costs, 10 a.m. to noon. Free. Location, necessary reservations, 360-696-2069.
Business After Hours: Meet business professionals in a social setting for networking, 5-7 p.m. at The Reserve at the Columbia Tech Center clubhouse, 600 S.E. 177th Ave. Sponsored by Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. Cost: $10 members; $20 others. Register: 360-694-2588.