A call comes in to Clark Public Utilities’ energy counselors every 12 minutes during business hours Monday through Friday. That’s an average of 200 calls per week. The utility’s energy counselors take turns answering the energy efficiency hotline at 360-992-3355 and work with customers to help them cut energy waste.
“People call with all kinds of questions about how to lower their monthly bills. We can help most customers find answers over the phone, but sometimes it takes a home visit to get to the bottom of the issue,” said DuWayne Dunham, energy services supervisor.
The most common question is, “Why is my power bill so high?” Other times the questions can get a bit funny — like this one: “Is turning my oven on and opening the oven door a good way to heat my home?” No, it’s not.
Energy counselors undergo extensive training and know about all aspects of residential and commercial energy usage, building science, weatherization, heating and cooling systems, water heating, lighting, appliances and energy saving tips. They can tell you where to look for energy waste in your home, give you tips on how to be most efficient during the different seasons, or come speak to a neighborhood group. The counselors can also make a visit to your home if needed, at no cost to you.