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Talking Points: Sorry he got caught

The Columbian
Published: January 18, 2013, 4:00pm

What’s the buzz from the world of sports? Here are some items that will have people talking:


It was no surprise that Lance Armstrong projected a lack of honest remorse when he confessed to Oprah Winfrey on Thursday that he cheated in all seven of the Tours de France he won. Oh, he talked about how sorry he is that he threw so many teammates and friends under the bus. He said that he alone is to blame for his predicament.

But, at least during Thursday’s first installment of the two-part sitdown with his friend Oprah, Armstrong seemed more annoyed with his circumstances than truly pained by his behavior.

That he came close to breaking down during Friday’s second installment of the three-hour interview (when talking about his family) doesn’t change the fact that the trait that will forever define Armstrong is ruthlessness.

Winning — at any cost — is Armstrong’s creed. Like some of the Wall Street high fliers whose greed contributed to the recession, Armstrong seems only sorry that he was caught cheating.


Whether or not Manti Te’o was duped, or was in on the hoax, scores of media outlets were snookered. The story of the Notre Dame linebacker and the death of his girlfriend was reported — and repeated — as if it was gospel.

While it seems implausible that Te’o could be duped so completely, it is far more disturbing to us that multiple journalists went along with — in fact, exploited — the fairy tale.


The NHL season starts today. We’re hoping this doesn’t alert the Lakers that it’s basketball season.

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