Using financial reports: Vancouver SCORE will present a workshop with a layman’s basic guide to business financial statements and how they can be used to plan/manager a small business with several hands-on business ratios exercises, 9 a.m. to noon, at the SCORE office, 4001 Main St. Cost, $35.* http://www.scorevancouver.org, 360-699-1079.
Leads & Needs: Networking event, 7:30-9 a.m. at Beaches Restaurant and Bar, 1919 S.E. Columbia River Drive, $5. Continental breakfast provided. Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce members may bring a nonmember guest. * Register: 360-694-2588 or http://vancouverusa.com.
Society of American Military Engineers: Meeting at 11:30 a.m. at the Governor Hotel cardroom, 614 S.W. 11th Ave., Portland. Topic: Bonneville Power Administration transmission program. Thomas O’Donovan will speak about his work as the deputy at BPA’s contract management office. Cost, $10-$40. * Katherine Robinette, same.pdx.rsvp@gmail.com, 503-499-0393
Ongoing classes/workshops
Free tax help for low income: Free tax assistance and preparation for taxpayers with low and moderate income of all ages, with special attention to those age 60 and older, is available from AARP Tax-Aide through April 15. Photo ID is required for the taxpayer present and must bring acceptable proof of Social Security number or ITIN for every person on the tax return. AARP Tax-Aide volunteers, trained in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service, will offer assistance with personal income tax returns at the following sites: