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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: Front will come with light rain, and yes, fog will linger

By Patrick Timm
Published: December 16, 2013, 4:00pm

Our weather was a mixed bag Monday with dense fog and stagnant conditions in the lowlands, where temperatures hovered in the low 40s. Above the inversion, mountain locations basked in sunny skies and temperatures in the 50s and 60s. Yes, I said 60s. Even along the Washington and Oregon coasts there were cities with highs in the low 60s.

This is one type of weather I despise worse than the cold weather — fog. Ever get the feeling of being trapped, like under a shroud of damp, cold nothing? Besides being unhealthful, it makes for dangerous driving conditions, and those were in the forecast for this morning. At least it is not freezing, or we could add that to the mix.

A front arrives later tonight and Wednesday to stir things up, but rainfall amounts should be light. Initially the precipitation will be only snow above 6,000 feet in the Cascades, lowering rapidly down to the foothills behind the front Wednesday night. If there’s enough moisture we could even see some snowflakes down here in the lowlands, but at this writing that is iffy.

Another system rolls in on Friday with heavier rain and warmer temperatures. Any transition from cold air trapped here would be quickly eroded, so I’m not expecting anything. A possible brief wintry mix? Perhaps, so keep tuned to local weather for that scenario.

The first half of the month was cold and dry, with the average mean temperature running nine degrees below average. Precipitation is more than 2 inches below normal. I doubt we will catch up in the second half of the month.

Bottom line: fog, increasing clouds and then light rain. Possible snowflakes, mainly in the hills. The inversion gives way to cooler temperatures at the surface and aloft. More typical winter weather. More rain on Friday, drying out with another high pressure system next week and yep, fog and inversion once again. Snow for Christmas? Don’t count on it this year.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://patricktimm.com.
