The Battle Ground Police Department will introduce a neighborhood watch program through a partnership with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.
The Neighbors on Watch program was introduced Dec. 1. A citizen volunteer program that already exists in Clark County and Vancouver assists law enforcement through observation and providing a visible public presence.
NOW volunteers will patrol city parks to deter vandalism and other illegal activities. They will also have a presence in shopping center parking lots during the holiday season where they will place written warnings on cars that park in spots for the disabled without a permit.
They’ll be easily recognizable by their distinctive polo shirts, an identification card worn on a lanyard and a vehicle with signs identifying the program. The volunteers attend seven weeks of training hosted by the Vancouver Police Department and must complete a background check. They must also be at least 21, a U.S. citizen, live in Clark County and volunteer at least four hours per month. They are not permitted to carry weapons on patrol.
For more information or to apply as a NOW volunteer, please contact Denise Valtierra, Clark County Sheriff’s Office, at 360-397-2211 ext. 3303 or by email at