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Bits-n-Pieces: Vancouver faces are painting town’s ‘Portrait’

The Columbian
Published: August 30, 2013, 5:00pm

Evan Smith found what he thinks is the perfect way to pay tribute to the people of Vancouver — even if he did find it in Idaho.

Smith, 33, was visiting Coeur d’Alene when he came across “Portrait of a Town,” a mural composed of the faces of various residents by Barbara Pleason Mueller.

“I happened to see a big wall with portraits on it, and it was all people in the community, it was about what makes a town,” Smith said. “I wanted to do that in Vancouver, and to show what makes our town special.”

When Smith got back from his trip, he recruited a friend, photographer Anni Becker, 36, to the project. And the pair have been creating portraits since the spring.

“We thought it would be a great way to show the people and community here, and it documents the way the city is growing through its people,” Becker said. “When it’s finished it will be hundreds and hundreds of portraits of Vancouver residents on two walls.”

The two called Mueller to get her blessing on the project, and she agreed. Then Smith, who owns Canine Utopia in Uptown, got approval from the owner of his building at 2309 Main St. to build a small park in a vacant space next door, and to put the mural on the surrounding walls.

“In Coeur d’Alene, there was an election process where people were nominated for the murals,” Smith said. “But here, we wanted to do everyday people. It’s the at-home dad, the children who will be our future leaders, the small-business owner, the clerk at Target. We all play a part in this town, and we want to showcase that.”

The pair took the first batch of about 100 portraits at the Urban Growers Market this summer. The market is from 4 to 8 p.m. Fridays at 2315 Main St. in Uptown Village.

They plan to do a second batch of portraits for the series at the market on Sept. 13.

“It’s free,” Becker said. “Anybody who shows up can get their photo taken.”

If people like the portrait, they can pay $10 for a digital copy, and the $10 will be used to pay for materials used in the project, Becker said.

“We’re not making a profit or anything from this,” she said.

The two hope to have the mural and park ready to go by spring. People can learn more about the project and look at the portraits on the “Portrait of a Town — Vancouver, WA” Facebook page at http://on.fb.me/16TnvKF.

“I’d like to extend an invitation for anybody and everybody to come down and participate,” Smith said. “The more the merrier.”

— Sue Vorenberg

Bits ‘n’ Pieces appears Fridays and Saturdays. If you have a story you’d like to share, email bits@columbian.com.
