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Talking Points: Bigger story within the story

The Columbian
Published: April 4, 2013, 5:00pm

What’s the buzz from the world of sports? Here are some items that will have people talking:


Selena Roberts is a big name in the sports journalism world. She has won many awards. She’s not perfect, though. She was criticized for her reporting in the Duke lacrosse scandal, for example.

Still, she is a name.

So when her story on Auburn football broke this week, it immediately became the story for all those who cover college football.

Even if just some of the stuff alleged in the article is true, it’s a big problem for Auburn.

But we found a bigger story within the story. Roberts’ story was published on a website called roopstigo.com. It’s a fancy sports media company that Roberts herself founded.

What the heck does roopstigo mean?

Well, it was named for a dog — we can only assume her dog — named Roops. Because Roops was a curious dog, naturally.

It’s up to you to decide if this dog will hunt or if this story is for the dogs.

We just hope for Roberts’ sake, she isn’t barking up the wrong tree.


Hey baseball fans: Want a fun read on how each major league team got its name?

Go to mentalfloss.com. (Hey, that’s an interesting name, too.)

We like the fact that we were really close to the Arizona Diamondbacks being called the Arizona Phoenix. Yes, that was a possibility. The team that plays in Phoenix was almost the Arizona Phoenix.

The Mariners were suggested by several fans, but one guy was awarded a prize for coming up with the best reason for Mariners.

“Because of the natural association between the sea and Seattle and her people, who have been challenged and rewarded by it.”


We love former WSU kicker Jason Hanson. Great kicker. Great NFL career. It’s just too bad he played for the Lions. I mean, even Sebastian Janikowski has played in a Super Bowl — for the Raiders.

Poor Hanson. According to Elias Sports, he has been on an NFL football field for a record 208 losses.

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