No weather records were set Monday in Vancouver after record or near-record highs over the weekend. We managed 78 degrees on Saturday for a new record high and although it was very warm on Easter Sunday, the high of 75 degrees fell short of the record 78 degrees set in 1911. Portland airport did set a new record both days over the weekend.
Jan. 1 through March 31 was Vancouver’s second-driest first quarter. Only 6.14 inches of rain was recorded, just behind the record of 6.11 inches in 1929. The average rainfall during this three-month period is 13.10 inches. Last year, we recorded 17.34 inches of rain, what a difference a year made for sure!
As mentioned here earlier, we had a shot at the driest January-March, but managed to eke out several hundredths of an inch of rain from those scattered showers last week to knock us out of first place.
It remains amazing that despite the lack of precipitation here in the valley, the Cascades are close to normal on the snowpack, which is good news up there.