Long-term care secrets: Attorney Margaret Madison Phelan will present a seminar on how to protect your home, assets and family from costs of long-term care, 10 a.m. Free. Location, necessary reservations, 360-696-2069.
Showcase your business:Networking opportunities and Shop Local Business Showcase, 4-7 p.m. at Red Lion Hotel Vancouver at the Quay, 100 Columbia St. Sponsored by the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. * 360-694-2588.
Investing fundamentals: Angela Dockum, financial adviser with Waddell & Reed, will present a free educational seminar on investing fundamentals at 6:30 p.m. at Waddell & Reed, 16219 S.E. 12th St., Suite 203. A light dinner at 6 p.m. will precede the presentation. Register: adockum@wradvisors.com or 360-694-1266, ext 131.
The Business Environment in Hazel Dell and Salmon Creek:Open forum meeting with Commissioner Marc Boldt, noon to 1 p.m. Sept. 26, at 40 et 8 Event Center, 7607 N.E. 26th Ave. (east of the 40 et 8 bingo hall). Commissioner Boldt and other Clark County staff will hold discussion and answer questions. Catered lunch from Smokey’s Pizza at noon, $10. RSVP required for lunch. 360-573-7376 or ilastanek@hotmail.com.