Larry J. Humphrey: “I had just arisen and was making my morning coffee after turning on the television to catch the morning news when the breaking news came on! My reaction was O.M.G!”
Nicole Morse: “Giving my son a bottle in bed …then waiting to hear from family that was working and traveling w/the president. Long day, sad day.”
Anne Brodhead Pugsley: “I was on my way to teach 4th grade.”
Pam Schwartz: “I was at home. I had woke my daughter up so she could get ready for school. She was also suppose to go to MEPS that day, she was going to go into the Navy after graduating. She was getting ready when the 1st plane hit, she knocked at my bedroom door and told me about it. I got up and watched the rest of the attacks unfold. I knew in my heart what the next step would be. My son was already in the Navy. That day and the next several days though were spent checking messages from an Online Group I belonged to, it was a small group (less than 100) of Navy moms from across the county. As time went by, worry set in. In the end one of our own Navy moms lost her son at the Pentagon. Every year I light a candle in honor of AG2 Matthew M. Flocco, son of Mike and Sheila Flocco, my heart breaks for them. It’s a day I will never forget.”
Debi Sullivan: “I awoke about the time things were all taking place in New York. I was feeding my infant son who had awoken for the day and decided to turn on the TV while I sat and rocked with him — images of the first plane hitting tower number one were on the screen. I can still hear Dan Rather’s voice, not quite sure what was happening, but trying to document all the same … and within minutes a second plane approached … both towers were on the ground and clouds of smoke were everywhere. The images were shocking and life altering. I still feel ill when remembering.”