Weather highlights: The grass is starting to green up, the trees are showing their colors, the geese are flying south in massive flocks, fresh snow on the mountain peaks, today will be warmer, near 70 degrees, and rain with mountain snows returns for the weekend.
Wow, that was a mouthful or pen full or whatever. Lots of changes occurring right before our eyes! And, Wednesday morning the sunrise was spectacular with brilliant orange to red alto cumulus clouds to the east. Sometimes that foretells rain within 24 hours, you know “Red sky in morning, sailor take warning,” but not this time around, another full day of sunshine today (after some fog).
A large cold pool of air will settle in off the coast by Friday night and lasting into next week for periods of showers and snow at pass levels and possibly lower at times. Main energy slides into Northern California but instead of highs in the 60s and maybe 70 we will be in the low to mid-50s. If clouds and showers persist Monday or Tuesday we will struggle to hit 50 degrees.
I don’t know what to think but Wednesday afternoon standing out in my backyard the squirrel that runs back and forth along the fence top stopped, looked at me and snickered. Not once but three times. And that was with a mouthful, a large walnut. He probably was teasing the local weatherman and thinking, “You’ll be sorry; standing there in that sunshine while I am making a winter stash of food.”