I am thinking that today will be our last 70-degree day for the year as a major weather pattern change begins on Friday. It has been well-advertised for nearly a week now and the giant weather machine is cranking up in the Gulf of Alaska, getting ready to make up for lost time.
But what a run of nice days we have enjoyed this late summer and early autumn. Wow! If you haven’t had a chance to clean the gutters and put away the outside lawn furniture, you may be a little late.
Light rain begins some time Friday and then heavier rain continues off and on for the next week. A stronger storm arrives later Saturday and another on Monday, with strong winds along the coast and winds inland powerful enough to maybe toss around that lawn furniture you left outside. So, bottom line let the autumn games begin!
Looking ahead — which is sometimes dangerous — some forecast models indicate a cold low moving through, bringing snow levels way down, possibly to pass levels, around Sunday or Monday. Those mountain peaks will enjoy that cool-down for sure.