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Talking Points: Mariners rank high on driving away fans

The Columbian
Published: November 27, 2012, 4:00pm


The Seattle Mariners have done it. They have finished No. 1! They are the best.

Actually, it looks like they are best at doing something bad. They are fan repellent.

According to a site called 247wallst.com, the Mariners topped the list of sports franchises that have driven fans away from their stadiums.

The 10-year attendance decline at Safeco Field is 51 percent.

Of course, 11 years ago, the Mariners won 116 games and many in Seattle flocked to the ballpark to watch the team.

The team has not been as competitive in recent years and while the stadium is still a wonder, it is no longer the “it” thing.

King Felix can only draw so many people, and he only pitches once every five days. The other days are filled with cricket sounds at Safeco.


The golf world is expected to be saved Wednesday.

The sport’s governing bodies, including the USGA, are expected to announce that long putters, or belly butters, will be banned.

Apparently, anchoring a putter to a part of the body goes against the “spirit of the rules.” Now, there will be nothing spirit about it. It will be against the rules, as printed in the rule book.

We also think they should be banned because they look dumb.

Yeah, that might not be the most mature approach to a rule change, but if that was the only reason, that would have been fine by us.

Shockingly, guys who have won majors using the belly putters are up in arms over this rule change. They claim there is no proof that using belly putters is an advantage over traditional putters.

OK, then? Why do they use the belly putter then? Apparently they believe there is an advantage or they would not use them.

Again, they look dumb, remember?

There better be a good reason for looking so dumb. How about they take away some of the nerves associated with putting. Golf clubs are meant for swinging, not anchoring.
