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Share those photos from Thanksgiving

The Columbian
Published: November 20, 2012, 4:00pm

The bird rests on the table, dressing and gravy nearby. Maybe Dad is sitting at the head of the table, carving knife in hand as he prepares to say grace.

After eating way too much food and pie, you push yourself away and waddle to the living room to catch the rest of the afternoon football game, or maybe you’ve drawn the short straw and you’re on dish patrol, clearing the table or washing the mountain of fine china, pots and pans stacked in the kitchen.

Anyway you slice it, another year’s rolled by and you and the family are thankful you’re together to share the moment. Now we’d like you to share that moment with us by sending a photo or two that captures your family having fun on Thanksgiving. To say thanks, we’ll collect them in a photo gallery on columbian.com.

You can share your photos at http://columbian.com/newstip, or from your phone via our mobile site or apps.
