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Weather Eye: Thanksgiving may be driest day of the week

By Patrick Timm
Published: November 19, 2012, 4:00pm

‘When it rains it pours,” someone once said, and, of course, that was true on Monday. Heavy rains pelted our area with several inches in the foothills, and we were well on our way to the 2-inch mark in the city by 5 p.m. It was a stormy day in the neighborhood, to say the least.

Today will still see some rain — but on the lighter side. The rest of the week looks unsettled, although, as of this writing, Thanksgiving may be the best day this week, with little or maybe no rain.

As mentioned here the other day, traveling over the Cascades passes may be dicey if the snow level drops as forecast. We’re certainly not talking about a blizzard but snow could be sticking on the roadways at times, so factor that in.

Looking at the weather so far this month in Vancouver, we were running nearly an inch below average on the rainfall through Sunday. But with Monday’s heavy rain, we will be well above average for the month.

It is kind of funny: While we get buckets of rain, there is a drought across much of the nation, the worst since 1954 in the Central United States. Although recent rains have lessened that to some extent, predictions are that it will continue into early 2013. There was a PBS documentary on the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, with the first part on Sunday and the second on Monday. Very interesting footage of just how bad things were back in the day. For a trailer and more details, go to: http://pbs.org/kenburns/dustbowl.

Keep dry and I will see you on Thanksgiving and offer my annual Thanksgiving poem.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at Weather Systems.
