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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: Today will help express the warmth of our love for mothers

By Patrick Timm
Published: May 12, 2012, 5:00pm

Happy Mother’s Day! And what a fine day it will be, with plenty of sunshine and a warm — maybe hot — afternoon. Depends how you define hot, I guess, with a predicted high of 90 degrees.

Monday will also be hot, with highs around 90 degrees or so. It is not every year we got a couple of 90-degree days in May but I think this year we will. Makes up for the past couple of years, for sure!

The overnight lows really surged Friday night with a warming air mass above us. Instead of lows in the 20s and 30s it mingled in the 50s all night. Phil Delany above Dole Valley, who recorded a chilly 25 earlier in the week and 28 degrees Friday morning, had 53 degrees early Saturday, a 25-degree rise. Quite balmy. Tonight will be a very warm evening, to say the least.

After Monday, we cool down a bit into the 70s, still above average for this time of the year and with no rain in the forecast this week. Next weekend may make our eighth in a row with no rain; we will see.

With the clear skies, the Cascade peaks have been visible and very beautiful with a healthy snow pack. One can see some jagged rocky crags being exposed as the snow melt has begun. At the first of the month, the snow pack in the Washington Cascades was very good, ranging from 120 to 160 percent of average.

Vancouver’s average mean temperature for the month was running 2.5 degrees below average at 53.2 degrees, but after the next several days, we should be on the plus side of that. Rainfall, which was above average, is now right at average for the month.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Reach him at http://weathersystems.com.
