Business After Hours: Meet business professionals in a relaxed, social setting for networking, 5-7 p.m. at Northwest Renewable Energy Institute, 200 Grand Blvd. Refreshments and raffle. Hosted by International Air and Hospitality Academy. Cost: $10 for members, $30 others. Sponsored by the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. * Registration: 360-694-2588.
Financial seminars: Homebuying 101, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays through May 15, Columbia Credit Union Operations Center, 200 S.E. Park Plaza Drive. Free. * Register: http://www.columbiacu.org or 360-891-4000.
Member request series: Brenda Alling, director of marketing and communications at Washington State University Vancouver, will talk about the most important sentence in your marketing, 3:30-5 p.m. at the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce office, 1101 Broadway, Suite 100. Free for chamber members; limited to 20 participants. * Advance registration required: 360-694-2588.
Southwest Washington Human Resources Management Association: Offering a study group for human resources professionals desiring a review course in preparation for the PHR/SPHR professional certification exam or who want to gain a broader understanding and overview of management. Study group meets 6-9 p.m. March 29 through April 19 at Dick Hannah Subaru conference room, 7407 N.E. Vancouver Plaza Drive. Cost is $125 members, $75 returning course participants, $200 others. * Tracy Whitmore, 360-944-3364, tracyw@dickhannah.com; or Tami Harmon, 360-567-1321 or tharmon@cadetco.com.