The last full day of winter and the weather gets to nudge us yet further. Light snow begin falling before 6 a.m. Monday and in some neighborhoods was enough to whiten rooftops and the grass.
But as usual this time of the year, it was short-lived and caused no big problems. It followed Sunday’s winter scenario, which saw snow fall around the county. Skies eventually cleared Monday, leading to below-freezing temperatures as a weak warm front moved overhead.
That was the fourth week in a row where snow has fallen either on a Monday or Tuesday. Seems like it never ends, eh? We may not see any more snow here in the lowlands this week, but we will see lots of rain. (Don’t hold me to that, with the crazy way the weather has been acting). We’ll probably get enough to push us well over the five-inch mark for the month here in Vancouver.
The mountains were forecast to receive upwards of two feet of snow Tuesday and Wednesday, with three to five inches of rain falling along the coast this week. The bottom line is that it will be stormy the next few days to say the least. Spring arrives just as winter left us.