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Leavitt concludes State of the City: Be optimistic

By Stephanie Rice
Published: March 15, 2012, 5:00pm

Live blog of Vancouver’s State of the City via reporter Stephanie Rice, @col_clarkgov:

12:22: “For as long as you allow me to be your mayor, I will not give up!” Leavitt finishes speech. Does this mean he will seek re-election?

12:18: “Why in the world shouldn’t we be optimistic about our future?” Leavitt asks. Calls on people to stand with him. And be optimistic.

12:10 Leavitt on planning for future: “This work is not sexy or glamorous.” Wish I could link to his modeling photo.

12:05: Another movie about the city ….

12:04: Another round of applause for Leavitt’s call for Herrea Beutler to secure federal $$$ … CRC critics are “short on solutions,” he says.

11:59: Dr. Leavitt calls bridge “vital economic artery. It is hemorrhaging and must be operated on.”

11:58: Biggest round applause yet goes to line, “Build that bridge!”

11:53: Claims city council is “most accessible elected body in the region.” Somebody coughed. Was it #clarkwa Commish Stuart?

11:53: Leavitt says they will revisit downtown parking program. Estimates he has paid 15 parking tickets.

11:53: Leavitt wants to explore new ideas for downtown, including performing arts center. Sure Slocum House folks will be pleased to hear that.

11:45: I think Leavitt is trying new slogan, “We are Vancouver.” No Royce-era “America’s Vancouver.”

11:43: Now a video about #vanwa economic recovery. Wow. Acknowledgement of east Vancouver.

11:41: All veterans asked to stand for recognition… (Former Mayor) Royce (Pollard) is in the house!

11:39: Port of #VanWa 100 years old, but Leavitt spares us from singing “Happy Birthday.” Instead he thanks exec. Larry Paulson.

11:36: “We are a community that radiates a tremendous amount of pride,” #vanwa Mayor Leavitt says.

11:33: And here is Leavitt, armed with a bag of popcorn. Says he is grateful people came to address instead of going to get new iPad.

11:33: Now watching movie about the city. J.P. Kiggins served 4 terms as mayor. Hard act to follow.

11:22: Attendees at #VanWa State of City asked to donate $5, proceeds benefit #WA Dept. of Early Learning (Leavitt’s choice).

11:16: Lee Rafferty, exec director of #VanWa Downtown Association, saying new piece of public art will be unveiled 4/6.

11:05: Lights dimmed, show starting …

11:04: I was wondering whether #VanWa Councilor Bill Turlay would show, given he called this a “dog and pony show.” He is here.

10:56: Auditorium is not full. Maybe #VanWa should have promised showing of “The Hunger Games.”

10:55 a.m. Vancouver’s State of the City event is about to begin. Attendees are encouraged to sit down so organizers will know if Kiggins Theater is full. #herdingcats.

Vancouver’s State of the City event starts at 10:30 a.m. today at Kiggins Theater in downtown.

Mayor Tim Leavitt is scheduled to start his speech, titled “Pride, Progress and Possibilities,” at 11 a.m.

While all 340 seats in the theater, 1011 Main St., have been reserved, people can watch via closed circuit broadcast at North Bank Artists Community Gallery, 1005 Main St.

Leavitt chose to have the event at Kiggins because he felt the renovated theater symbolizes the city’s history, from the days of the Great Depression to the Great Recession.

The theater was built by former Vancouver Mayor J.P. Kiggins.

Leavitt’s speech will be punctuated with archival film clips of Vancouver, according to a city press release.

The Columbian will be live tweeting the event @col_clarkgov and live-blogging, so this story will be updated.

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Streaming video of the broadcast will be online after 4:30 p.m. today on the city’s website.

The event will be shown on CVTV cable channel 23 at 7 p.m. and channel 21 at 10 p.m.
