Many people enjoy watching and discharging fireworks, an icon of the July 4th holiday. But for pet owners or anyone trying to get to sleep early, fireworks can be the bane of their existence. Before you early birds reach for that phone, city and county officials suggest holding off on dialing 911 about common noise complaints.
“You have to judge the severity of the situation,” said Kim Kapp, a representative of the Vancouver Police Department.
During the holidays, increased fire and police staff have higher priority calls. With people out enjoying the holiday, more people are drinking, driving, and potentially misusing fireworks.
Clark County Fire Marshal John Dunaway suggests calling 911 about the reckless use of fireworks or any use of fireworks that puts people or property in danger. If excessive noise occurs after the allowed time in your jurisdiction, or you suspect illegal fireworks use, then call 911. However, don’t expect noise complaints to be a priority.