Business name: Southwest Office Systems.
Owners: Steven and Judy Sheffield.
Address: 9616 N.E. 117th Ave.
What the business does: Sales and service of commercial office equipment, document imaging solutions, office furniture sales and ergonomic evaluations in the office workplace.
o Each week, The Columbian offers a brief snapshot of an interesting Clark County business. Send ideas to Mary Ricks:; fax 360-735-4598; phone 360-735-4550.
Steps to build the business as the economy recovers: Steven and Judy Sheffield said they have expanded their scope of business from sales and leasing to include a short-term rental program allowing more customers to have a commercial-grade copier. They have also added a free printer service program for customers who purchase their laser printer cartridges from Southwest Office Systems.
Greatest challenge: The Sheffields said their greatest challenge is keeping Clark County residents shopping locally and not buying across the border. It is also a challenge, they said, to hire knowledgeable employees who are a good fit with the company. Steven Sheffield added that it’s important to him to be able to retain his employees and not have to lay anyone off.