Nonprofit mentoring: A seminar, Beyond Orientation: Mentoring and Coaching for new board members, 4:30 to 7 p.m. at Innovative Services NW 9414 N.E. Fourth Plain Road. Marc Smiley, an organizational development consultant with Solid Ground consulting in Portland, will introduce ideas that can help experienced leaders become more effective mentors. Cost, $28-$38, includes light dinner. * Register: http://www.nonprofitnetworkwa.org or Jeanne Kojis, 360-735-7110.
Financial seminars: Columbia Credit Union is offering a session of Financial Peace University, a 13-week program that teaches how to eliminate debt and save for the future. Each class begins with a video presentation taught by personal money management expert Dave Ramsey and ends with small-group discussions. There is a one-time materials cost of $99. Classes begin at 6:30 p.m. at the operations center, 200 S.E. Park Plaza Drive. * Register: http://www.columbiacu.org under the Money Management tab, 360-891-4000.
Southwest Washington Human Resources Management Association: Offering a study group for human resources professionals desiring a review course in preparation for the PHR/SPHR professional certification exam or who want to gain a broader understanding and overview of management. Study group meets 6-9 p.m. Feb. 23 through April 19 at Dick Hannah Subaru conference room, 7407 N.E. Vancouver Plaza Drive. Cost is $125 members, $75 returning course participants, $200 others. * Contact Tracy Whitmore, 360-944-3364, tracyw@dickhannah.com; or Tami Harmon, 360-567-1321 or tharmon@cadetco.com.
Educational course: The Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association will hold its annual short course, 8:30 a.m. at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 7900 N.E. 82nd Ave., Portland. Members attending selected sessions will received credit hours toward their Oregon or Washington pesticide applicator license. Those interested or involved in the Christmas tree industry are invited to attend. * http://www.nwchristmastrees.org/, 503-460-3000.